Regarding Daycare Fee Exemption Procedure

Daycare fee could be waived when using kindergartens or daycare facilities recognized by the government. However, you need to apply for a fee exemption beforehand.

(1)Daycare fee of kindergartens or daycare facilities (Kodomo en) recognized by the government
・Children from 3 years old or above, borned after April 2, 2019
(2)Temporary daycare fee of kindergartens or daycare facilities (Kodomo en) recognized by the government
・Children who are in need of daycare, borned between April 2, 2019 and April 1, 2022.
・Children from citizen tax-exempt household who are in need of daycare, borned between April 2, 2019 and April 1, 2022
(3)Daycare free of daycare facilities that have not yet been approved by the government
・Children who are in need of daycare, borned between April 2, 2019 and April 1, 2022.
・Children from citizen tax-exempt household who are in need of daycare, borned after April 2, 2022.

Eligible facilities and registration precedures vary, so please look for more details on our website.

■Registration deadline
Please use the QR code you received that comes with the registration instruction documents from the kindergarten or daycare facility you wish to enter and complete the online registration procedure by November 30th, 2024.


Children Department(Jidō-bu) Nursery and Kindergarten Section (Hoiku Yōchien-shitsu)

If you have any questions, please contact the Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center

English / 英語
吹田市多文化共生ワンストップ相談センター Suita Multilingual One stop Consultation Center
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