Subsidy for Low Income Households

In fiscal year 2024, 100,000 yen will be provided to households that are newly exempted from the resident tax or that are taxed only on the per capita resident tax.
In addition, households raising children will receive an additional 50,000 yen per child..

■Eligible Applicants
Households that have a certificate of residence in Suita City as of June 3, 2024 and all members of the household are exempt from resident tax for the fiscal year 2024.
※Households including those who were eligible for the 70,000 yen subsidy for households exempt from residence tax or the 100,000 yen benefit for households taxed only on the per capita levy of inhabitant tax in fiscal 2023 are not eligible.

■Subsidy amount
・100,000 yen per household
・Households with dependent children born on or after April 2, 2006 will receive an additional 50,000 yen per child ※Institutionalized children are not eligible.

■How to Apply
Eligible households will be mailed a confirmation of payment requirements in July or later. Households that receive the confirmation letter and meet the requirements must complete the form and return it in the enclosed envelope by Thursday, October 31, 2024.


Call center for Subsidy (Kyufukin Call Center)
TEL: 0120-938-208 (Japanese only)

■Department in charge
Life and Welfare Section Welfare department

If you have any questions, please contact the Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center.

English / 英語
吹田市多文化共生ワンストップ相談センター Suita Multilingual One stop Consultation Center
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