Notice on the Provision of A Self-Reliance Support Benefit for People in Need

We provide consultation and necessary support to those who have some concern about their daily lives.
Do not worry alone. Please contact the “Self-Reliance Support Center for the People in Need” as soon as possible.

■Support Content
(1) The consultation support staff will listen individually to those who have daily lives concerns , and cooperate with related organizations to provide solutions.
(2) Those who have lost or are at risk of losing their housing due to job resignation, etc. will receive an amount equivalent to rent for up to three months (with a limit).
(3) For those who have difficulty finding a job immediately, job-hunting support will be provided for up to one year.
(4) Temporary accommodation and meals are provided for those who do not have a fixed place to live.
(5) For children and their guardians from households-in-need, including those receiving public assistance, we provide support for their daily lives and upbringing, as well as study support for junior high school students to enter high school.
(6) Counseling and support to help the clients manage their household finances on their own.


■Department in Charge
Self-Reliance Support Center for the People in Need (Seikatsu Konkyusha Jiritsu Shien Center), Suita City Hall(Counter No.114)
Tel: 06-6384-1350

If you have any questions, please contact the Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center.

English / 英語
吹田市多文化共生ワンストップ相談センター Suita Multilingual One stop Consultation Center
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