For Those Filing the Tax Return for the Fiscal Year 2023

Tax returns for 2023(※) must be filed between February 16 (Fri.) and March 15 (Fri.), 2024.
(※)Filing a tax return is a procedure to calculate the amount of income tax for the year (January to December of the previous year) and receive a refund for the taxes paid in excess or pay the amount that is missing.

The website of the National Tax Agency (the government agency that manages taxes) provides information on the tax return process and how to prepare it.

■What Will You Need to File the Tax Return
(1) Individual Number Card (My Number Card)
(2) If you do not have the My Number Card, instead, please submit a “My Number Notification Card” and one of the identification documents (driver’s license, residence card, or passport).
(3) Documents proving income from January 1 to December 31, 2023 (e.g., Withholding Tax Statement, so called Gensen-Choshu-Hyo)

■Tax Return Filing Site
JEC Japan Training Center Esaka (Nihon Kenshu Center Esaka )( Esaka-cho 1, Suita City)
9am to 4pm (Closed on Saturdays, Sundays, and national holidays, except on Sunday, 2/25 will be open).

・Please come to the event site by public transportation.
・In order to reduce crowding, numbered admission tickets are required to enter the event site. There are two ways to obtain numbered admission tickets.
①At the venue on the day of the event.
②In advance from the National Tax Agency LINE account.

Please contact Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center for further inquiries.

English / 英語
吹田市多文化共生ワンストップ相談センター Suita Multilingual One stop Consultation Center
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