The current health insurance card will no longer be issued.
Expired health insurance cards cannot be used, so please show either your Myna Insurance Card(マイナ保険証, Maina Hokensho) (※) or an Eligibility Verification Certificate (資格確認書, Shikaku Kakunin Sho) when visiting a medical institution from now on.
(※) My Number Cards that are registered and linked with health insurance.
■ Expiration date of health insurance cards
・Health insurance cards issued by December 1, 2024 can be used until the expiration date if there is no change in the information stated on the health insurance card.
■ After the expiration date of the health insurance card
・ After the expiration date, if you do not have a Myna Insurance Card, you will be able to receive insurance medical treatment with an Eligibility Verification Certificate (Shikaku Kakunin Sho) that will be sent out approximately a month before the expiration date.
・ If you have a Myna Insurance Card, we will issue health insurance eligibility information(資格情報のお知らせ, Shikaku Joho no Oshirase), verifying your insured status.
■ Website
(1) Information about National Health Insurance Cards
(2) Information about the Myna Health Insurance Cards
■ Inquiries
(1) Department of Health and Medical Care(Kenko Iryobu), National Health Insurance Division(Kokumin Kenko Hokenka)
TEL: 050-1807-2183 (Japanese only, automatic response)
(2) My Number General Information Toll-Free Telephone Number
TEL: 0120-95-0178 (Japanese only, automatic response)
Please contact the Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center for further inquiries.