For Guardians (Parents) of Children Who Will Be Enrolled as 1st Year Primary School Students

This is an announcement for the Financial Aid System for children who will be enrolled as students (Financial Aid for School Supplies).
Guardians (parents) of children who will be enrolled as first-year primary school students in Suita City’s public primary schools in April 2023 are eligible to get financial aid for school supplies before the start of the academic year.

■ The Amount of Payment
54,060 yen

■ Eligible Applicants (must satisfy all 3 conditions as written below)
①Must be a resident of Suita City
②Must be a guardian (parent) of children who will be enrolled in Suita City’s public primary schools in April 2023
③The amount of household income in 2022 must be “below the standard income to be eligible for student financial aid”
(shuugaku enjohi ninteikijungaku ika) based on the cost calculation of living standard (seikatsu hogo kijun)

■ Required documents:
①Application form for school supplies financial aid for children who will be enrolled as students (only required for those who apply via post or the reception desk)
②Documents related to household income (each member of the household must submit “the proof of city (town or village) residency tax in 2022”
(shi(chouson)minzeikazei shoumeisho) )
・For those who are registered as a resident of Suita City on (or before) January 1st 2022 and have reported the household income in 2021 → only ① is required
・For those who are not registered as a resident of Suita City on January 1st 2022 → both ① and ② are required

■ How to Apply:
①Online application
②Application via post (please send the required documents via special registered mail service (tokutei kiroku) or normal registered mail service(kan’i kakitome))
③Application via the reception desk (Weekday 9:00 to 17:30)
Address : 〒564-0027 Suita-shi Asahimachi 3-ban 402-go Suita City Board of Education, School Affairs Division

■ Application period:
From February 1st 2023 (Wed) until February 28th 2023 (Tue)

Please contact Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center for further inquiries.

English / 英語
吹田市多文化共生ワンストップ相談センター Suita Multilingual One stop Consultation Center
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