Subsidy for Extracurricular Activities Cost

To ensure that children have diverse opportunities and eliminate differences in learning and experiencing due to income gap, we will provide a subsidy to cover the costs of sports, arts and other extracurricular activities.

Parents or guardians with children between the 5th grade of elementary school and junior high school age who live in a household receiving public assistance or child support allowance.

■Activities Covered
Music, sports, tutoring schooling and other learning classes that are part of this project.

■Expenses Covered
Initial expenses such as membership fee, or monthly fee, etc.

Up to 10,000 yen per chilld, per month

Eligible households will be notified by mail.
Eligible household who have not received the information, please contact us.


■Department in Charge
Children Department / Child Rearing Policy Section

Administrative Office of the Subsidy Program for Children’s Extracurricular Activities
TEL:0120-065-067(Call Center)

Please contact Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center for further inquiries

English / 英語
吹田市多文化共生ワンストップ相談センター Suita Multilingual One stop Consultation Center
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