About the Childbirth and Child-Rearing Support Project

We will be providing a support gift worth 50,000 yen each to ①pregnant women after notification of pregnancy, and also to ②nursing mothers up to about 4 months after notification of birth.
In order to receive the support gift, it is necessary to have an interview with a midwife.

Those who live in Suita City and fall under either (1) or (2).
(1) Pregnant women who have been diagnosed with pregnancy at an obstetric medical institution, and have notified their pregnancy to the municipal office after February 1, 2023.
(2) A person who is the caretaker of the child who has been born after February 1, 2023.

■Support Gifts
(1) Childbirth support gift
Receiving Method: Have an interview with a midwife after submitting a pregnancy notification.
Application Deadline: After you have been diagnosed with pregnancy, until you give birth.
※If you are unable to apply during pregnancy, please consult with the Healthy Parent-Child Section (Sukoyaka Oyakoshitsu) before applying.

(2) Child-rearing support gift
Receiving Method: Have an interview with a midwife after submitting a birth certificate.
Application Deadline: Apply by the end of the following month, after the child has become 4 months old.
※If you are unable to apply during this period, please consult with the Healthy Parent and Child Section (Sukoyaka Oyakoshitsu).
※Applications will only be accepted until the first March 31st that arrives, after the child reaches the age of 1. (As an exception, for children who were born after February 1, 2023 and have already reached the age of 1 by March 31, 2024, caregivers are eligible to apply with consultation until March 31, 2025)


Children’s Department (Jidobu), Healthy Parent-Child Section (Sukoyaka Oyakoshitsu)
Tel: 06-6339-1214

Please contact the Suita Multilingual One Stop Consultation Center for further inquiries.

English / 英語
吹田市多文化共生ワンストップ相談センター Suita Multilingual One stop Consultation Center
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