English / 英語

English / 英語

Consultant Service with Experts for Foreigners

外国人のための専門家相談The Consultation Center offers regular consultation days with specialists.You can consult with a specialist...
English / 英語

Subsidy for Extracurricular Activities Cost

習い事の費用を助成しますTo ensure that children have diverse opportunities and eliminate differences in learning and experiencing d...
English / 英語

Elementary and Junior High School Schooling Financial Support System

小学校・中学校就学援助費制度Financial assistance is provided to parents or guardians of elementary and junior high school students wh...
English / 英語

Consultant Service with Experts for Foreigners

外国人のための専門家相談The Consultation Center offers regular consultation days with specialists.You can consult with a specialist...
English / 英語

Special Provisions for National Health Insurers During School

修学中の国民健康被保険者の特例In principle, students are required to enroll in National Health Insurance at the city of their residenc...
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