English / 英語 Procedure for Child Allowance 児童手当の手続きについてA child allowance is provided to those who reside in Suita City and are raising a child up to junior high s... 2024.06.17 English / 英語
English / 英語 Subsidy for School Lunch at Municipal Elementary and Junior High Schools 市立小学校・中学校の給食費を補助As an emergency economic support measure against rising prices, school lunch expenses will be subsidize... 2024.06.10 English / 英語
English / 英語 Consultant Service with Experts for Foreigners 外国人のための専門家相談The Consultation Center offers regular consultation days with specialists.You can consult with a specialist... 2024.06.03 English / 英語
English / 英語 Multilingual Support for the National and Local Consultation Chatbot 国・地方共通相談チャットボットの多言語対応について「The National and Local Consultation Chatbot」 is a program that can answer frequently asked qu... 2024.05.27 English / 英語
English / 英語 High School Study Financial Support System 高等学校等学習支援金支給制度The subsidy will be provided to those who are currently enrolled in upper secondary schools(※) as of Apri... 2024.05.27 English / 英語