English / 英語 As health insurance cards will be abolished, please make your My Number Card as soon as possible 健康保険証が廃止されるため、マイナンバーカードを早めに作ってくださいIn accordance with the new national policy, health insurance card and My Number card ... 2024.10.07 English / 英語
English / 英語 Consultant Service with Experts for Foreigners 外国人のための専門家相談The Consultation Center offers regular consultation days with specialists.You can consult with a specialist... 2024.09.30 English / 英語
English / 英語 Application for Suita City After School Care Child Development Room for the Year 2025 2025年度吹田市留守家庭児童育成室の申し込みについて【 After School Care Child Development Room】Children from 1st to 4th grade of elementary scho... 2024.09.30 English / 英語
English / 英語 Persistent Cough Might be a Sign of Tuberculosis 長引く咳は、結核かもしれませんTuberculosis is a disease that mainly affects the lungs and is spread by inhaling bacteria released into... 2024.09.25 English / 英語
English / 英語 About the Changes to the Child Allowance System 児童手当制度の変更についてThe eligibility and payment amount of the child allowance will change from October 2024. ■Modified Subj... 2024.09.09 English / 英語