English / 英語 Consultant Service with Experts for Foreigners The Consultation Center offers regular consultation days with specialists. You can consult with a specialist in your ow... 2023.07.07 English / 英語
English / 英語 Notice of National Health Insurance Tax Payment Determination and Reduction or Exemption Application 国民健康保険料決定通知書の送付と減免のお知らせA notice of Determinaion of National Health Insurance Tax Payment for April 2023 to March 23 wil... 2023.06.26 English / 英語
English / 英語 Special Subsidy Notice for Families Raising Children 子育て世帯生活支援特別給付金のお知らせA subsidy of 50,000 yen per child will be provided to low-income families raising children, that wer... 2023.06.16 English / 英語
English / 英語 Subsidy for Households Exempt from Residence Tax 住民税非課税世帯 給付金のお知らせA subsidy of 30,000 yen per family will be provided to households exempt from residence tax to reduce ... 2023.06.09 English / 英語
English / 英語 Partial Subsidy for the First Obstetric Consultation 初回産科受診料の一部を助成しますThe Suita City will subsidize a portion of the expenses required for a first consultation at an obstetr... 2023.05.26 English / 英語